Recipe: A Happy Home Environment

A different sort of recipe this month; a simple approach to improve your home environment.

There are a lot of things we can’t always control about our home environment: how much it costs, who we share it with, how the light comes in in the morning, how long street construction lasts… but there are many, many things we can control.

I invite you this month to find one thing about your home space that absolutely drives you nuts, no matter how small it is, and change it.

For example, my toilet paper holder was facing the wrong way for how I like to rip toilet paper off the roll. I had no idea how much it bugged me until it recently broke and my landlord removed it to fix it. When he put it back on, I asked him to rotate it 180 degrees. And you know what? ITS SO MUCH BETTER! Not once has my toilet paper gone flying off the holder and into the wall since the switch!

It is not a big deal, and yet, every time i rip toilet paper off the roll now, I feel a funny little sense of satisfaction. What if we can multiply that feeling throughout our home, and reduce the constant small irritations that build up? You know, the ones that feel like they should be insignificant, but actually drive you nuts?

Find one thing to adjust. Try it. Report back. I’d love to hear about it.

Good luck out there. May your toilet paper always rip in the satisfying direction.

Originally posted June 15, 2022.


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